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"...whatever you did for one of the least of these... you did for me."

Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

Missions Photo Album

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The congregation of Walden U.M.C. strongly believes that we are called by Jesus to "love our neighbor" whether he is right next door or she is half way around the world. Missions are so integrated with the ministries of our church that it is difficult to separate them.

We've had members of our church being part of an Appalachia Summer Mission Team since 1998, working in Kentucky and Tennessee or other distant areas of need.

Locally, we support the Montgomery Food Pantry through both contributions and volunteers. Members also volunteer to deliver meals for the county's senior meal program.

We support Heifer Project, Crop Walk, Souper Bowl of Caring, UMCOR, Flood Buckets, Nothing but Nets, Mini-missions and numerous others.

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Faith in Action

Change the World

Spring & Fall

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