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Walden United Methodist Church
1206 State Route 52, Walden NY 12586 Sunday Worship 10:15AM - 11:15 AM - Followed by Coffee, Tea and Snacks
Pastor Kihun Choi 845-778-7035
Pastor Kihun Choi
Walden U M C
Pastor at Walden United Methodist Church
Pastor at Bullville United Methodist Church
Pastor at Maybrook United Methodist Church
Graduate of Drew University with a Master of Divinity (M,Div) Degree
December 2024 - January 2025
The Season of Waiting:
Advent and the Arrival of Jesus
Have you ever waited for someone special? Perhaps it was dear friends, family, or grandchildren who live far away. In that waiting, you might have cleaned, cooked, and prepared with excitement and longing. You imag ined the time you’d spend together, the joy you’d share, all while anticipating their arrival. I can relate to this experience. Two years ago, my wife, Mina, went to Israel for about ten days for her class. I remember how I waited for her return. I cooked her favorite food, cleaned the house, and eagerly anticipated seeing her again. Waiting for someone you love is never passive—it is filled with anticipation and preparation. This feeling of waiting is very much a part of the season of Advent. But what exactly are we waiting for during Advent? We are waiting for Jesus. Advent, a time of preparation, invites us to ready our hearts and lives for the coming of Jesus. The word "Advent" comes from the Greek word Parousia, meaning “arrival,” which was once used for the visit of a king or emperor. In Latin, it is translated as Adventus, meaning “coming.” This time is more than just a countdown to Christmas; it’s a season to reflect on the arrival of Jesus in three important ways. First, we wait for the historical coming of Jesus as a baby in Bethlehem. This is the focus of Christmas—the moment when God took on flesh and came to dwell among us. We remember the arrival of the baby Jesus, Im manuel—God with us. This is the past arrival that we honor and celebrate during Advent. Second, Advent isn’t just about looking back. It is also a time to encounter Jesus in the present. Through wor ship, prayer, and the way we live our daily lives, we recognize that Jesus is with us here and now. As Jesus promised, “I will give you the Holy Spirit,” and we believe that He is present with us today. The United Meth odist tradition emphasizes this presence through the sacraments of Communion and Baptism, where we en counter Jesus in a tangible way. Through these acts, we confess and reaffirm that He is with us in the here and now. Lastly, Advent is a season of anticipation for the future—the return of Jesus in glory to fulfill God’s plan for creation. As we await His second coming, we reflect on the hope that one day Jesus will return to complete what He has begun. So, what does it look like to wait for Jesus during Advent? Just like waiting for a loved one to return, we should prepare our hearts in eager anticipation for His arrival. Advent invites us to open our hearts and antici pate how Jesus will touch our lives during this season. The question we must ask ourselves is: “How are we preparing our hearts for Jesus?” This question will guide us throughout this season of Advent, as we reflect on the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future. May this Advent be a time of meaningful preparation, filled with the hope and joy that comes from knowing Jesus is with you.
In Christ: Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, Pastor Choi

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Worship Service 10:15 am
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